
[其它] 你可以欺负我,但是永远不能阻止我呻吟——纪念饭岛爱

Many have talked about this internationally well-known Japanese AV star. Many have expressed their love and appreciations of the brilliant achievements in the movie world, and many have given a deep breathing once they have known this AV star has finally put her story in her popular novel a reality - committing suicide.

But very few have mentioned the pains and sufferings of this poor AV star who appears to be bright and have been undergoing lots of luxurious life and entertainings.

This film stars came from a poor family background, a small village in a remote part of Japan. She was not well educated nor she looked pretty enough to make herself outshing her village peer groups. So either she was willing to give herself up to live on such a shabby and mean life or to break through all the boundaries and build up a brave new world for herself.

Finally she selected the second option and started her new life by coming to Tokyo. Some may argue that she was too materialistic to desert her born place. But we have to give her a credit and compliment to her bravery to search for new hopes and opportunities once she found her born village was as nasty as a pool of dead water.
We do apprecaite her courage at this point.

Just mentioned before, she did not look pleasant so she had to undergo series of cosmetic surgeries to enlarge her breasts, her eyes, nose, mouth and teeth. The whole processes were painful. But she was brave enough to face the sufferings, just for one purpose - to become famous. Where came the money? Partly from her family support, but mainly by borrowing from the Big Brothers in the Black Society. You may say it is too stupid for her to do so. But just think when she was facing a terrible situation of to be nor not to be, she could choose only one. If she gave up what she had done in Tokyo because she was running out of money, she would live on her past old black days in her old and barren village. Who she would be and how she would be - who cares? But if she struggled on, perhaps she had a glimse of hope to break through all difficulties and gained lots of money. Once again, we should give another compliment to her bravery to choose a life, which though appeared to be rugged and painful, that would at least give her some future.

She did succeed in achieving her name and fame and earned a lot of money - but all these were based on long terms shame, blood, sweat sex abusions, torturing, social degrading and finally fell into the deep deep valley of darkness of no return - she became a drug addicter and her health deteriated dramtically after years of participating in tens of hundres of AV films in which her own self and dignity had been smashed to nothing. She had totally lost her directions in life. What she had achieved in her carerer had been spoiled by those males who expressed interests in her or mainly her money without her knowledge.

At this very stage, when she disovered she was leading a terrible life of no return, being troubled by sicknesses and poverty, she committed suicide to put a full stop to close the whole chapter of her life.

When we talk about this well known film star, besides expressing our sense of loss, we should learn some very rare but valuable lessons from her - try by all means to make bold attempts to break through the confinement so as to grasp a brave new world. But we should also be very watchful in making ourselves alert to social temptations so saturated in the materialistic world.

We do miss her, but we will take her life history as a mirror to reflect the clear road to walk.

(Most of the background materials about this film star come from my Japanese friend who has been working for years in the Japan AV film industry)
  • 太昊 金币 +18 回复认真,鼓励! 2009-3-13 20:48


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