voyeur123 发表于 2011-1-25 13:18   全显示 1楼
原帖由 大户室元老 于 2011-1-24 20:16 发表
In SIS forum ,
there are not enough sections for level 1 to upgrade to Level 2
can the management create more sections for level 1 to practice?
Sorry, this is what THEY want in the first place.
voyeur123 发表于 2011-2-16 20:14   全显示 2楼
原帖由 gozogozo 于 2011-2-16 09:25 发表
i agree, i think ,in sis ,will have a sections that ,level 1  will upgrade to level 2.eg. photo,text,
I think the Mods were so worried about new comers' relentless and crazy behaviors like brushing the forum threads with SPAMs, and thus put everything out of control. This means the majority mush pay the price for the few trouble-makers.
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